Wednesday 25 November 2015

Fottima's Roles 25/11/15

1) In my country(Uzbekistan) both the mom and dad work, the kid(s) go to daycare.
2) The women do most of the cleaning and cooking in house.
3) The men usually make most of the money.
4) The women usually take care of the kids.
5) Both the men and women drive.
6) Both men and women help their kids with homework.

Tuesday 17 November 2015

Fottima's Answers 16/11/15

This week I learned that schools around the world almost all teach differently.

I can use this when teaching my own kids the right materials.

I can do it well.

The learning activity I liked best was the one where we learned how to deal with if your child is getting bullied.

I want to do more teaching for my kids so they can progress well in school.


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Thursday 12 November 2015

School Fottima Mahkamova 12/11/15

Hello long time no see. How is school? In Canada there are many types of people who are categorized by there looks, abilities, and strengths. The top categorized groups are Goths, jocks, and nerds and I don't thinks its a good thing because  one group picks on the other and one thinks there stronger. 

Thursday 5 November 2015

Monday 2 November 2015